• 8 years ago
These exercises look simple. Many fixed poses ... And alternating tension and relaxation - squeezing and unclenching muscles. But these simple exercises can surprise you (with proper training)! Exercises can help you become energetic, athletic and super strong. These twelve exercises were presented to the general public grandmaster sifu Wong Kiew Kit's. According to the legend, Bodhidharma himself (Damo) taught these exercises to the Shaolin monks. He did this after he had meditated in the cave for about nine years ... Having decided to help the monks achieve the bliss of nirvana and gain beyond strength. He saw that their bodies are weak, for long meditations, from constant fasting and not easy monastic life ... Therefore he taught them Eighteen lohan handsand and Muscular metamorphosis. The first kitax is designed to help them achieve unbreakable health. The second set is created for the development of the internal beyond the force. The complex makes a person strong and strengthens the inner chi of a person. This allows a person to reach a certain level, to perform miracles. It is important to understand that only the right, systematic and very long training can give the right result! It is also important to know that malfunctioning can damage. Therefore, it is important to get training from a competent master. Thank you all, good day and good luck in all your endeavors!
