♥ 안녕하세요 오늘은 세림이와 함께 묵혀둔 쿠션퍼프와 스폰지들을 세척해볼꺼에요. 여러가지 실험결과 지퍼백 안에 집어넣고 빠는것까지는 알겠는데 과연 그 다음에는 어떻게해야하는건지! 여러분들만의 퍼프세척법이 있다면 댓글에서 꼭 공유해주세요~
In today's video, I'll clean my cushion sponges and puffs with my sis Serim. We tested few plastic zip bag methods but it was quite hard to clean them. If you have your own sponge cleanse method, plz share me on the comments.
♥ 즐겁게 보셨다면 좋아요+덧글 부탁드릴게요 안녕~
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In today's video, I'll clean my cushion sponges and puffs with my sis Serim. We tested few plastic zip bag methods but it was quite hard to clean them. If you have your own sponge cleanse method, plz share me on the comments.
♥ 즐겁게 보셨다면 좋아요+덧글 부탁드릴게요 안녕~
If you enjoyed, plz subscribe ssin and leave comments! Thank you!
[Follow me on SNS] 씬님의 소식을 실시간으로 만나보세요!
- FACEBOOK 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/ssinnim.official
- INSTAGRAM 인스타그램 : http://www.instagram.com/ssinnim
- FAN COMMUNITY : http://cafe.naver.com/ssinnimofficial
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- KAKAO STORY 카카오스토리 : https://ch.kakao.com/channels/@ssinnim
- BLOG 블로그 : http://melonies90.blog.me
- APP 씬님in me 안드로이드 앱 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ★☆○●◎◇◆□■△▲▷◀▷▶♤♠♡♥♧⊙◈▣◐◑♨♬☏☎☎