• 14 years ago
Convert the Ego to a 30MPH electric scooter, 15-minute fast charge

The Ego-2 costs only $1,100 retail. It can be modded to 30MPH with 36
volts and chain-drive modification.

With a 15-minute charge, commuting travel becomes a possibility on
Ego. The manufacturer says it has a 20-mile range, but that is imho
only for "flat terrain", at perhaps 12MPH, without stops. In hilly
terrain, stop-go travel, the Ego Cycle 2 may have a range of 8 miles,
depending on rider weight and cargo carried.

The Ego has an advaatage over 500-watt ebikes, EVT and "Vespa"
scooter: The Ego-II can
pull a bike trailer UPHILL, with 100 lbs. of cargo,
groceries, etc. Also, with a trailer, the rider is safer imho from
drivers, who sometimes play "chicken" with cyclists.

The Ego-II, when made more reliable with chain drive and other mods,
imho is the most practical means of electric biking. No other
bike, moped, or scooter, imho, comes close to delivering a package at
such an affordable price.
