[MPRI 2014] 1.24 Algorithmes randomisés (Cours n°1 - Partie A/C)
MPRI 1.24 - Algorithmes randomisés (Cours n°1 Partie A/C) - Nicolas Schabanel (CNRS, LIAFA)
Lecture 1: Thursday Jan 23, 8:45-11:45
Introduction to randomized algorithms
LogLog Counters
Minimum Cut randomized algorithm
Exercise session 1: First randomized algorithms
Fast Minimum Cut randomized algorithm
Dumb randomized algorithm for Max-Sat
Constraint-based randomized algorithm for 3-Coloring
URL: https://wikimpri.dptinfo.ens-cachan.fr/doku.php?id=cours:c-1-24
Lecture 1: Thursday Jan 23, 8:45-11:45
Introduction to randomized algorithms
LogLog Counters
Minimum Cut randomized algorithm
Exercise session 1: First randomized algorithms
Fast Minimum Cut randomized algorithm
Dumb randomized algorithm for Max-Sat
Constraint-based randomized algorithm for 3-Coloring
URL: https://wikimpri.dptinfo.ens-cachan.fr/doku.php?id=cours:c-1-24