Après avoir créé la surprise lors du contest Wild Card en se qualifiant au dernier moment, le duo Alaric Streiff X Etienne Martin a confirmé tout le bien qu'on pensait de lui avec cet édit filmé au smartphone cohérent, prometteur pour Etienne & de haut niveau pour Alaric. Toujours le sourire au lèvres, cela aurait été un vrai plaisir de passer la semaine avec eux.
After winning the Wild Card contest at the very last minute, Alaric Streiff X Etienne Martin confirmed the opinion we had & produced this serious edit filmed with a smartphone. The riding was a little above the filming for this team that was really cool the whole week !
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After winning the Wild Card contest at the very last minute, Alaric Streiff X Etienne Martin confirmed the opinion we had & produced this serious edit filmed with a smartphone. The riding was a little above the filming for this team that was really cool the whole week !
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