OpenStego, Recuva, EraserPortable, CryptoMX, Virtual Keyboard, Cipherbox, Keylogger Beater

  • 11 years ago
Ovaj video je screenshot, pokazuje kako se koriste programi iz naslova.
Koristio sam OpenStego da ubacim fajl sa sifrovanom porukom u fotografiju,
sa virtualnom tastaturom mozes kucati lozinke ili tekst (onlajn tastatura koju preporucujem je Firefox add-on Keylogger Beater, to je prikazano na kraju video snimka),
sa Recuva sam pokazao da obrisani fajlovi sa tvog HDD mogu da se povrate i pogledaju sto moze biti sigurnosni problem za tebe kad prodas kompjuter,
sa EraserPortable sam pokazao kako da uradis overwrite/unistavanje fajla da ne moze da se povrati sa programom za povratak obrisanih fajlova,
Sa CryptoMX sam pokazao neke druge nacine sifrovanja mada je GPG najbolji program za sifrovanje,
sa Cipherbox add-on za Firefox sam pokazao kako sifrovati odnosno desifrovati tekst na Blogu, Vebsajtu.

This video is screenshot, it shows you how to use software from the title of the video.
I used OpenStego to include file with encrypted message into photography,
with virtual keyboard you can type passwords and text (online keyboard I recommend is Firefox Add-On Keylogger Beater, it is in the end of the video),
with Recuva I showed that deleted files from your HDD can be recovered and watched, it is security problem for you when you sell your PC,
with EraserPortable I showed how to overwrite/destroy file so nobody can recover it with software for recovering files,
with CryptoMX I showed some other ways of encrypting messages but the best software for encryption is GPG,
with Cipherbox add-on for Firefox I showed how to encrypt and decrypt text on your Blog, Website or anywhere you want.