
Mobilis in Mobili are: Regine Saint-Leger: Vox, keyboards -- and Mike Rastoueix: Vox, keyboards, guitars
Sources of our inspiration: All that helps us get somewhere else physically, mentally, emotionally, or better understand the world we live in.
Influences: T Gilliam, F Fellini, A Tarkovsky... K Grimwood, F Herbert, G Stewart, M Proust, PD James, K Buen, PK Dick, Y Mishima, S Freud, and of course J Verne... Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh... and many bands, musicians, singers, composers, too many to be mentioned here!
We try to draw a musical landscape set at the crossroads of New-Age, World, Folk and Rock currents.
For our album MARITIME, we were joined by our guitarist friend Lol Mallet.
We hope you like it.

Maritime is available via downloading, (I-Tunes, Amazon, Deezer, Virginmega, Fnac, Musiwave, E-music, ...),
MARITIME announces our second album SECRETS which should be released later in 2010.