om office products

om office products

1 following
OM Stationery is shop in Rajkot. You can get all kind of office stationery products, School and college stationery product, Science projects and crafting projects material, toys, small gifts, birthday party material, Chocolate boxes for gifting, stationary products for donations to poor kids, sports items like cricket tennis ball, cricket bats, badminton rackets and cocks and more.

We also organize meetups for creative and personality development like Quora meetup, IETLS speaking practice meetup, GD PI practice meetup, language exchange meetup, stand up comedy meetup, YouTube and tiktok meetup, CouchSurfing and travelling meetups, photography walk meetup, and many more things.

We also make educational information videos about different exams GPSC, CAT, IELTS, TOELF, GMAT, JEE, GATE, IAS Exam, MAT, UGC NET, XAT, IIFT, SNAP, Bank PO Exam and more. We also make videos about student visa, tourist visa, work visa and PR in countires like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia..