Olivia Lobell

Olivia Lobell is author of The Enlightened Entrepreneur and founder of AuthenticBizSuccess.com, a company devoted to teaching enlightened entrepreneurs all over the world how to build a thriving business around their blessing, attract more ideal clients and make a lot more profits while being authentic and aligned with their passion and purpose.

Walking her talk, in just a few short years, Olivia went from a ‘soul-searching’ journey in her life, not feeling fulfilled and completely lost inside, although successful outside, to a ‘soul-singing’ entrepreneurial journey, opening her own company, writing her first book, creating her own signature system, and becoming who she dreams of being: an enlightened entrepreneur as a coach, author, speaker, trainer, leader, and expert.

She specializes in helping coaches, authors, speakers, trainers, leaders and experts who want to get their message out there in a big way speak to attract more ideal clients, stop trading their time for money and start offering high-level packages so they can confidently charge what they’re worth and get it once and for all – all while transforming their lives and the lives of those they touch on the way.

Through her transformational books, coaching and mentoring programs, and live events she shows her students and clients how to make a difference and get well-paid doing what they love. She is the leading voice for the emerging authentic business success as an enlightened entrepreneur movement.

To get your FREE CD: “The #1 Secret to Authentic Business Success as an Enlightened Entrepreneur,” and receive Olivia’s weekly e-zine with free training videos and articles to grow your business now, visit www.AuthenticBizSuccess.com.