thomas jennings

WELCOME. Oddly Enough this is a forum. You can be part of a growing community of new-found friends, dedicated to exchanging ideas, debating a variety of issues, & polling on issues including music, sex, religion, politics, sports, linguistics, and much much more, teaching and learning in a safe, pleasant space: one that you can help shape. The staff of exists for the forum members as a Friend to help, moderate, and manage the best damn forum ever: we can dream and you can help. Staff Administrators are Michael Jennings, firefoxfreak147, Maj JOHN, and our Global Moderator Sonja. Feel free to ask questions, even the ones that aren’t dumb. One of us will get back to you within a day, sometimes immediately. We are delighted to have you as a member. WELCOME THIS FORUM WAS Created ON 2008-11-01 BY THOMAS MICHAEL JENNINGS, To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.