حفيد الصحابة Saif Al-Islam Omar

حفيد الصحابة Saif Al-Islam Omar

(¯°•. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful .•°¯)
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Everyone wants a fair share of attacking Islam. But who is there to answer for Islam? The fact is that Islam needs no defence. Islam continues to spread in the face of mighty opposition.
Yet Muslims cannot sit idly by watching as Islam is under siege. Muslims have to provide the answers to the objections, criticisms, and negative stereotypes of Islam.
This channel is an attempt to do just that. ردود الفرسان على من سبوا خير خلق الله العدنان (صلى الله عليه وسلم)
..::~♥~. M.U.S.L.I.M.~♥~::..
I will stand strongly to defend Islam
ღ☆ღIslam Is My Religion .. ALLAH (swt) Is My Lord,Muhammad (pbuh) Is My Prophet,Qura'n Is My Guide,Sunnah Is My Practice,Paradise Is My Goal,Knowledge Is My Principal Possession,Reason Is The Root Of My Fate,Longing Is My Mentor,Remembrance Of ALLAH Is My Weapon,Patience Is My Attire,Contentment Is My Prize,Poverty Is My Honor,Abstinence Is My Calling,Obedience Is My Measure,Striving Is My Character,Prayer Is My Pleasure. ღ☆ღ
In a world of Hate,I am Love.In a world of Shame,I stand proud.In a world of Chaos,I am Peace.In a world of Haste,I am Patience.In a world of Defiance,I am obedient.In a world of Evil,I am Good.In a world with this,I am Safe.In a world of falling Religion,I am Strong.In a world like this,I am a Muslim!
16 years ago