Motive and affairs

Motive and Affairs" means motivational thoughts and current affairs.
Here you will find:
1- Short motivatinal videos
2- Current affairs videos
3- Life quotes + Motivational quotes

Life is short friends don't stop if you have failed or going through tough times. you are lot more than you think.
Learn and get inspired from the people who failed several times and are successful at the end.
I will also be giving you daily updates and some education for competitive exams.
My channel has simple motive , to motivate you and give that little push to go after your dreams.
This channel will help you in these ways:-
1- To improve your life
2- To improve your knowledge
3- To motivate you with true life short story so ,if you want success in life follow this channel
E-mail address:-
@motiveandaffairs hasn’t created any playlists yet