Missed Fortune

Missed Fortune Bio
Missed Fortune is an asset optimization strategy created by esteemed financial planner Douglas Andrew and based on his best-selling books, Missed Fortune and Missed Fortune 101. In the Missed Fortune curriculum, Andrew explains how prudent individuals can maximize their rate of return while minimizing their risk of loss.
Andrew established the Missed Fortune line with a focus on the economic principal of acquiring funds using tax-favorable techniques that allow a greater retirement income. The system also stresses the importance of positioning retirement monies where they are readily available in case of an urgent necessity. The Missed Fortune program points out key questions all individuals must ask themselves before putting additional monies into a 401K or IRA – tactics that only offer temporary tax benefits, according to Douglas Andrew.
The Missed Fortune approach advises establishing more stable financial strategies that offer tax advantages later – at what Andrew calls the Harvest Period. One of the most overlooked opportunities cited in the Missed Fortune plan is buying specific types of life insurance policies. In the Missed Fortune books and program, Andrew illustrates how these insurance policies – when planned correctly - are akin to conservative mutual funds, but with greater tax saving opportunities.
For more information about the Missed Fortune program, visit www.missedfortune.com or get a sneak peek inside the cover of all of his acclaimed books on www.amazon.com