Mike Rembis

Mike Rembis is an actor, screenwriter, director and Executive Producer at Best Productions in Clearwater, Florida and Executive Director of The Clearwater Film Festival.

Trained in Strasberg method acting at Venue Actors Studio
Created Best, a TV sitcom about a car rental on an island where nobody needs a car
Won Grand Prize at the 2008 Cannes 24 Hour Film Challenge for Perfect Pitch, a short film about a singer who can’t sing
Recognized for competitive screenwriting as a writer who impressed the judges, but not quite as well as the winners did at
Scriptapalooza, semifinalist and quarterfinalist (3 times)
The Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, runner up
The Boston International Film Festival, top ten finalist
The Las Vegas Short Script Awards, judges selection
The American Gem Short Script Competition, top 326

Last year, Mike joined forces with director Din Altit and co-wrote the feature Unpunished, a fact based drama about the femicides of Ciudad Juarez, now in development with Streetwise Productions.

Then he found a script he just couldn’t put down; Sometimes Called Falling In Love by Ray Rosales, a dark romantic comedy about a case of love on the rocks, with a twist. Mike took it straight to pre-production and will soon be directing his first feature film.

The Clearwater Film Festival is his biggest challenge to date and he is excited to see it take shape. He is represented for acting by Sue Miller at The Miller Agency in Tampa and for writing by George Doulamis at ADA Management in Palm Beach Gardens.