metin warwick

Metin is 30 years old. He has been hairdressing now for nearly 15 years. Hairdressing wasn't however his first love...Metin was a keen footballer in his youth until injuries restrained him from making a career out of it. He is an avid Millwall fan and has been since he was a little boy as his dad used to work at the grounds.

His Mum is Turkish Cypriot and Metin loves Turkish food and dinners. He also loves a Sunday roast and the odd take away!

Metin's music interests are rather varied....his collection contains a lot of up to date chart hits but also some great artists such as the Bee Gees, Lionel Richie, Phil Collins, UB40 etc...

As for films and TV, Metin is a HUGE Only Fools and Horses fan. If you were to give him a line from Only Fools and Horses he would be able to give you the series and episode it was from! He enjoys a lot of comedy series and films, most recently Hangover 2. And knows nearly every word to the High School Musical Trilogy, thanks to his daughter Kezi, who will be 9 this month.

He adores his beautiful little girl very much and spends every other weekend park taking in different activities with her, such as playing football, riding their bikes, gardening, swimming and attends every one of her Irish dancing competitions. He is definitely a hands on dad and he would tell you that she is his greatest achievement in life.

In his spare time, if he gets any at all, he enjoys gardening, which is a recent past time he has taken an interest in. He also enjoys fishing when he gets the chance to go. He also likes to read autobiographies, most recently, Alan Sugar.
@metinwarwick hasn’t created any playlists yet