Shruti Gupta

Shruti Gupta

Hello Friend's , I am Shruti Gupta. My channel contains beauty related videos in hindi , beauty tips video , skin care , Hair care , DIY's, makeup, style, fitness, health and beauty, fashion, woman hygiene and health, girl power, motivational videos, woman empowerment,vlogs, lifestyle,latest and trendy makeup , healthcare, daily life hacks , interesting Sky's, fashion idea's, beauty tips and tricks, and home remedies,. My videos are totally simple and really effective.
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Disclaimer : These videos are only intended for informational purpose & these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for side effects can ensure from your doctor before use any remedies.
भरवा करेला बनाए इस अनोखे तरीके से सब्जी बनेगी बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट | भरवाँ करेला रेसपी हिन्दी में | Bharwa karela ki recipe hindi me | Bharwa karela recipe in hindi | karela ki sabji | karele ki kalonji kaise banaye|Indian sabji recipe in hindi | Recipe
4 years ago
कही दिख जाये आपको ये पौधा तो चुपचाप रख ले सोने से भी महंगे है इसके फायदे । नोबजी के पौधे के फायदे । विटामिन E कैप्सूल के फायदे और नुकसान | vitamin e benefits and Side effects In Hindi | skin whitening treatment at home | Gora hone ka tarika| Shruti Gupta
4 years ago
झाइयां दूर करने का 100% देशी इलाज | झाइयां हटाने के उपाय | झाई का इलाज | jhaiya khatam krne ka tarika | pigmentation treatment at home | jhaiya hatane ka deshi ilaj Hindi me | Home remedies for jhaiya | jhaiya kaise dur kre | skin care tips| Shruti Gupta
4 years ago
ये 5 Home remedies देगी आपको गजब का खूबसूरत निखार आखरी वाला तो अभी Try करना | 5 best home remedy for glowing skin | Gora hone ka sabse acha ghrelu upaye | skin care | Home remedies | गोरा होने का तरीका | skin whitening treatment at home | beauty tips
4 years ago
बच्चेदानी को खराब कर सकती है हमारी ये साधारण सी गलती जिससे 100 % आप भी करती हैं | गर्भाशय के खराब होने का कारण | गर्भाशय में सूजन क्यों आती है | Bacha dani me sujan ka karan aur ilaj | Woman health tips | Home remedies | woman's health issues
5 years ago
ठंड से हाथ - पैरों की उंगलीयों में सूजन और खुजली का घरेलू इलाज Home remedies for chilblains | amazing tips for the swelling of fingers winter season in hindi | feet and hand swelling in winters | Health tips | Home remedies | chilbchilblains | घरेलू इलाज
5 years ago
New year party makeup for beginner| winter me kaise kaise kre makeup | winter makeup hacks | New year party makeup 2020 | makeup 2020 | easy makeup tutorials | आसान मेकअप | 2020 | मेकअप हैक | beginners make up | #makeuphacks | #makeup | #MAKEUP
5 years ago
मेंस्टुअल कप को कैसे साफ करें ? How to clean menstrual cup ? Woman health tips for vaginal hygiene | How to use Menstrual Cup | periods hacks | women problems
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