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Imagine if their were a record label that was a mix between Def Jam & Rawkus... allow me to introduce to you Loyalty Digital Corp.

Loyalty Digital Corp. is a creative Digital Media Company that works diligently to develop talent and brands across the Internet. Founded in 2008 by William Fokis Heredia, as a platform for artists, performers, and creative types. Loyalty Digital offers joint venture opportunities to provide the extra push an artist needs. A cooperative music medium that serves Loyalty Digital is the "music incubator", We create partnerships

Loyalty Digital has a track record that represents success, hard work and innovation developing talent and brands across digital platforms. Our aim is to partner with clients, develop a custom strategy that focuses on working toward and accomplishing specific goals to bring about successful results. From the Recording Process to the Marketing Campaign, Loyalty Digital can provide the resources needed to deliver a complete and professional service that will draw attention and interest towards your product and brand.