Molly Mae Stozek

I originally created this account to upload the video I made following a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy in March of 2013 and a 180 pound weight loss.

I've since decided to use this to post my figure skating videos as many friends & family have requested additional videos.

A little background. I skated competitively as a child through ISI Freestyle 1. I went back last year, worked with a coach for about 6 months and am currently in the process of recreational skating on my own a couple times a week. I'm about a FreeSkate 1/2 according to USFSA levels. I'm working on getting more height on my Waltz Jump, a few basic combos, and just started a Toe Loop and Salchow.

I get a friend or family member to video tape me once a month or so, so that I can critique myself and see exactly where I need to make changes in order to keep improving. It's really cool to see my progress, even simple changes like my knees bent more, more controlled edges...etc. as I continue to practice.

Eventually, I would like to work with a coach again when I can afford it. My dream has always been to land an axel. I'm still a long ways off but I don't care if it takes until I'm 50. I'm going to do it!

Feel free to leave any comments/constructive criticism.