
Yes! Because YouTube is chock full of fail, I've made an account on Dailymotion. Hopefully the service here is better.

Woo! Awsum quotes!

"sayno should not dislike his comments because they are kinda like a window to the outside world, rather than his overprotected one." - ThatGuyOverThere428

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' / But I tell you: Love your enemies" - Matthew 5:43-44

"You WONt accomplish NOTHING WITHOUT [GOD]" - ILLUMANOV (just in case you're not too good at English, ILLUMANOV's comment is a double negative meaning that I can accomplish anything without god. ILLUMANOV was a maniacal Christian, by the way).

"Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him" - Exodus 22:21


Research before you speak!

Kooky Inc. is a comedy group of just me dedicated to animating stuff, making fun of idiots, making the occasional machinima, and everything in between.

--------------/////////////// THE ALLIANCE
-------------///--------/// OF
------------///---------/// RATIONALISTS

I'm a pandeist (the universe is god and it came into existence through some natural means), so calling me a "foolish atheist!!!11one" is showing your ignorance. The term for this pandeist god is either "Pandeus", "Pandeity", or my own term sticking with the Latin roots, "Omnidei".

Feel free to use any of my videos for any purpose. Just give credit plzkthxbi.