
To start off, I should let you all know in advance that I may come off as a little "moonstruck", or "crazy"..

To say I'm an obsessed fan girl, who has dozens of Naruto & Yu-Gi-Oh fan fictions, and hundreds of RPC characters, would be an understatement.
In all honesty, I love those shows.. Just not that much. ^-^"

I'm not going to give away a lot of personal info.. It's really not necessary, in my opinion. But, I'll give you this much.
I'm fifteen years old, and I currently live in British Columbia, Canada. I attend high school and during my free time, I like to draw, write, watch anime and play children's card games. (Yes, that's a reference to both Yu-Gi-Oh and YGO: TAS..)

Fun Facts:
- I never became interested in anime until I watch Naruto for the first time.

- I tried animating after I saw one of ShadowLeggy's RE Musicals.

- I can't say blueberry, strawberry and raspberry properly. I say blueburry, strawburry and raspburry.. Don't ask why.. I don't even know..
But, I know for a fact that I'll never, EVER hear the end of it from two of my classmates..

- I secretly want to be ambidextrous.

- I have Japanese, Norwegian, Scottish and British ancestry.

- I want to learn Japanese and travel to Japan.

- I own a Wii and I love it so. I will marry it someday! ..When marrying inanimate objects is legal and is not looked down upon.

- In order to write this, I looked up words in a Thesaurus so I can make myself look smarter by using big, difficult words.