Advocate Engineer Kamran Hafeez Chohan

Pakistan needs following major reforms;
That Pakistan needs Presidential form of democracy like in America but with a few changes that the Islam must be supreme and governing law of state, direct elections but minimum education for people to contest be Bachelor whereas voter must have minimum education of Matriculation but the vote of Secondary education be counted as two, similarly of voter having Bachelor, Masters and Doctorate be equal to three, four and five respectively.
That the Constitution to every statute of state are needing to be reviewed and revisited and be corrected in best interest of state.
That the public sector be right sized, right person on right job and remunerations of people associated with public sector be rationalized to bring them out of corruption by compulsion.
That the justice be ensured at every level of society.
That private sector be boosted to provide maximum jobs opportunities, boost economy, skills and competence and to engage maximum manpower in good faith of state. etc.
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