John Coombs Vectorcide

Having previously provided sustainable housing contractors in Nigeria, Ghana, Pakistan and India with his company’s anti-malaria coating, John Coombs, Vectorcide founder, will also make this product available in Thailand and the Mekong Delta.

John Coombs’ previous work with Vectorcide in Zambia supported the Gates Foundation Anti-Malaria Program and the company is an advocate of the Global Citizen Program on Disease, having made a significant contribution to a decrease in the rates of malaria contraction in the countries where its coating is used.

For Coombs, this is a highly personal endeavour; he has personally funded the provision of Vectorcide coating to protect the communities that live alongside the Zambezi River and are therefore at a high risk of contracting insect-borne malaria.

Outside of his role as Chief Executive of Vectorcide, John Coombs enjoys travel and immersing himself in different cultures; he has visited countries including South Africa, Ghana, Bangladesh, Sweden, Holland, Portugal and Barbados.
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