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Wing Chun for beginners lesson 36 grab and elbow to the chest
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 33 Block, grab and punch to the rib cage
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 34 Block, feed and trap
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 35 Trap and hit to the chest
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 32 Block and side kick to leg lock
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 31 Block the round kick and elbow to the knee
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 30 basic hand exercise blocking a round kick and grabbing the leg
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 29 combo blocking a straight punch and countering with a side kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 28 combo blocking straight punch and counter with a stomp kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 26 basic energy drill lapsau
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 27 basic hand combo block straight punch and counter with a punch
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 46 Block, cover and hit (Pad work)
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 45 Using the basic kick combination
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 44 Using stepping to move round your opponent
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 43 Blocking kicks in the high and low line
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 42 Wing block to punch, turn and low blow
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 41 Blocking a variety of punches
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 40 Blocking a variety of punches
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 39 Block inside left to right, neck chop to guard uppercut
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 38 Block inside straight punch to neck chop
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 37 Trap to grab release
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 22 basic leg exercise blocking a round kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 24 basic energy drill punch drill
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 23 basic leg exercise blocking a front kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 21 basic leg exercise blocking a side kick
7 years ago
Wing chun for beginners lesson 2 basic leg exercise with twist
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 6 basic leg exercise static triple kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 7 basic leg combination exercise moving forward with single kick
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 9 basic hand exercisechanging guard hands with bong sau
7 years ago
Wing Chun for beginners lesson 10 basic hand exercisestatic blocking
7 years ago