Ippolit Belinski

I am a blogger at http://paradoxoftheday.com. My main occupation is doing a PhD in political philosophy, with a primary focus on Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt. In the meantime, I blog about paradoxes, and lately more on difficulties in reading certain politico-philosophical texts. Whatever is interesting from there and deserves a video comes here :). Subscribe if you like, all proceeds go to maintaining the website.

I also collect interesting all material that is legal for reproduction on http://zizek.uk, so occasionally some of Zizek's videos appear here.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ippolit.Belinski
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ippolit_Belinsk

Website: http://zizek.uk
Blog: http://paradoxoftheday.com

Zizek Painting by Woodrow Cowher
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