Insictech Musicland

Insictech Musicland

To become on of the reputable and leading company in the entertainment industry of Malaysia.

Company Overview
Insictech Musicland Sdn. Bhd. officially formed in November 1999. Insictech Musicland was formally known as Musicland from 1993 till October 1999. Insictech Musicland main activities lay in the area of production and distributions of cassettes, compact disc (CD) as well as video cd (VCD). The founder of Insictech Musicland Sdn. Bhd., Mr. Jeffery Tee had been involved in this for more than 30 years. Our goal is to provide quality music products in the format of cassettes, audio cd, video cd and dvd at affordable price for our customers.

All products from our company are guaranteed original. We believe no pirated products can be able to produce quality products