Idyllic Roots has devised daily learning and activity schedule based on skills including Cooking, arts & crafts, Kids' Stories, educational and creative activities, devotional, dharmic kathyen, bhajan, puja path, bhakti geet, vrat, tyohar, mantra, aarti, kahaniyan, devotional story, etc.

Educational, Entertainment Channel
Idyllic Roots has devised daily learning and development of important subjects like English, Hindi, Science, Maths, Sanskrit, Punjabi, G.K, etc. for primary n higher classes. For pre-primary, there are all subjects with Picture Identification including Maths, Hindi, English, EVS, G.K, Moral values, etc. typically, this is a fully knowledgeable channel. Not only education but this is also an entertainment channel including light music, devotional songs, and speeches. So this channel is for every age, specifically for learners, beginners, students, professionals, and competitors.
Community posts quiz etc. Everyday will upload new important video.
इस चैनल में पढाई की सभी तरह की महत्वपूर्ण वीडियो सभी कक्षाओं के लिए उपलब्ध है और समय समय पर और अपलोड कर दी जाएँगी। इसे आप सब्सक्राइब कर लें, जिससे हर एक वीडियो आप तक समय पर पहुच जाय। आप इस चैनल से संस्कृत में वार्तालाप भी बड़ी आसनी से सीख सकते है और संस्कृत की परीक्षाओ के लिए ये अति उत्तम चैनल..
stuti of lord shiva, lord Vishnu, lord bramah, pawanputra hanuman, sawan ka mahina, lord rama, dusherra, Diwali, lord krishna, goddess durga ets.
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