I Am The Movie

I AM offers an insight into the true nature of our God, and fights the damaging stereotypes of His character through a gritty, non-linear drama with a plot weaving around average people violating the Ten Commandments -- one by one. We see that these commandments were not edicts from a jealous God, but a love letter to humanity -- a warning to those who don't understand the massive consequences of even the smallest sins upon ourselves and the world around us.

In the City of Angels, despair and heartache are the daily mail -- delivered with painful regularity whether we want them or not. In a world where so many seem to have so much, no one is immune -- everyone struggles with something.

I AM : COMING 10/10

For the first time ever, ONLY CHURCHES will be allowed to premiere a faith-based movie on their own campus before anyone else! Don’t miss the movie and the moment! .

I AM is a powerful, thought provoking film that will keep you on the edge of your seat while illustrating the relevance of the Ten Commandments in our modern lives.

With a special opening message by author Lee Strobel, you can create a powerful moment in your church that will generate conversation, excitement, outreach, and most importantly help us all better understand the heart of the great I AM, God Himself.

Sign up in July and become a PREMIERE EVENT CHURCH! You’ll receive a special discount and an incredible host kit that includes: promotional movie trailers, posters, flyers, movie tickets, promotional ideas, and a special license to show the film to an unlimted audience during the enitre month of October!