Aruna & Hari Sharma Life Experiences

Aruna & Hari Sharma Life Experiences

Hari Shanker Sharma (Swedish Citizen) is working in University Hospital of Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Hari Sharma is married to Aruna Sharma (Swedish Citizen) also working in the same Institute on Common Research Ideas in Neuroscience with special regard to Nanomedicine to treat cerebrovascular diseases. Both are also members of Swedish Social Democrat Party (Socialdemokraterna, Sverige). Their mission in life is to attain excellence in any work that they are doing together including science, family, children and society honestly and with full dedication. They feel that if all citizens of the World will think like this then our World is free from prejudices, discrimination and partiality, a feature that is plaguing many educated persons in the World. This is the main problem in achieving harmony & peace in this lovely World including Sweden. The Whole World is mine & I am for the Whole World irrespective of race, nationality, religion and community. Overall we are human being first then anything else! Long Live Sweden, Long Live Swedish Democracy!