I specialize in making powerful subliminal affirmations on a wide range of topics. I started on my self improvement journey in 1998/'99, found out about, and started researching subliminal audios from 2004. After using professionally made subliminals (that had a slow to little/no effect on me), I decided to take matters into my own hands and start making my own subliminals. They seemed to work better. So I started improving them. I played around with layering, speeding up the tempo, and a few other techniques to make them more powerful. Now I am at a point where my subliminals are so powerful, that some of them can take mere minutes to work instead of months or years. (I say some of them, because of course it all depends on your current belief system and how ingrained they are, so some people will see instant results and for others it might take a bit longer) After experiencing the benefits of this powerful subliminal method, I wanted to share it, to help as many people as possible