Fari Hamzei

Twitter: http://twitter.com/hamzeianalytics

Fari Hamzei is frequently quoted by CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business and RealMoney. His book, Master Traders: Strategies for Superior Returns from Today's Top Traders, published by John Wiley & Sons in October 2006, has already become a bestseller on Amazon trading books space. On January 29th, 2007, Timer Digest ranked Fari tied for THIRD place for the past THREE YEARS in its "Timer of the Year Competition. As of September 13, 2008, Fari was ranked 3rd in the Nation by Timer Digest among approximately 150 market timers in the last 12 months. Once a year, Fari teaches Proprietary Sentiment Indicators at The Options Institute of CBOE.

Fari is a graduate of Princeton University with a BSE degree in financial engineering and studied equity & debt derivatives under financial pioneers Jack Shelton, Ed Thorp, Richard Roll and Bob Geske at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management. He was a director of strategic planning at Northrop Grumman Corporation's Aircraft Group and served for eleven years on the Board of Directors of Electronic Clearing House (ECHO), now an Intuit
company (INTU).