Jill Edmunds

My name is Jill Edmunds, born Jill Allgood. Raised with two brothers, I naturally grew up as an adventurous tomboy. That remains true to this day. I am blesssed to possess this trait, as I much prefer hiking to shopping. When I married my husband, Bruce, these adventures grew.

I have always loved photography, travel and exploration. With my degree in English, my adventurous side was limited, however. I fell into the “normal” pattern of pursuing jobs in Corporate America. Even though I enjoyed working in business, law and medicine, nothing seemed to fit perfectly. Then, by chance, my life changed for the best! I was introduced to the home-based business of Global Resorts Network.

I now have ample time and money to travel, enhance my photographic skills and pursue my dreams with my husband. What this new option of travel has given me is freedom on every level. I couldn’t be happier.

What I now imagine is using my experience with photography and travel as a means of telling everyone to get out there. Their dreams are waiting...