Stuart Bussley - Sapphire Associate

"....opportunity and choice..." - today we would like to present an opportunity that gives you a choice.

Hello and welcome... I am Stuart Bussley, Sapphire Associate and a UK Team Leader for the GEM Lifestyle European Opportunity.

This site is designed to offer additional information concerning the Pre-Launch and updates related to the explosive GEM Lifestyle Business Opportunity which is literally sweeping the internet.

We along with many 6 figure (and some 7 figure) MLM earners in Europe have joined GEM Lifestyle to collectively build this business globally and we know we will help thousands of people worldwide profit massively not only from this brilliant pay plan but also from a stock market launch of the company in which 35% of the shares will go to its associates. This is being hailed as the biggest network marketing opportunity to have launched in 20 years.

We believe people are wise enough to read between the lines and come to their own informed and educated decision, when GEM Lifestyle does launch on October 30th, to begin, a few people will see the power and the 1st class opportunity this business presents, however, NO smooth talking, close selling or "dangling of carrots" will build this business.... it will gain it's momentum naturally.
