Galip Kayıhan

Galip Kayihan started Professional music life as guitarist with Edip Akbayram and Dostlar Rock Band.
Later compleated dosens of album and single Works with Cem Karaca/Dervişan and Marsandiz Rock Bands etc. Thus, first time ever exhibited as Studio owner - Musician image in Turkey. As a result, he managed to have his signature in millions of albums sold.
In the second half 90’s, Galip Kayihan made an important come back as: song writer, composer, producer as well as music designer, for many well known famous Turkish artist and bands with his music and songs like: Ebru Gündeş, Tuğrul Arsever, Destan etc.
As producer, Galip Kayihan further placed his expertise with many more leading National Tresures like: Burcu Güneş, Ciguli, Destan, Melih Kibar (Yadigar), Edip Akbayram, Hürriyet Media Group with Golden Microphone Awards (Turkish Pop Music History), Ziynet and Mansur Ark etc.
For years Galip Kayihan was often asked to be an International Music Jurry member and he continues to serve the industry as a keen music lover - ever…