Gaara's only girl

Hey! As you can see, I LOVE the show Naruto. My fav. character is Gaara as well. The username also says it all. I'm Gaara's #1 girl! You know it's true! Anyway, I love to hang out with my friends and sasukes_onlygrl is one of my best! Sasuke's hers, Gaara's mine. Understand? I thought you would because we aren't afraid to fight! No...seriously -_-; XD If you guys like Gaara or Sasuke, well...whatever. Just remember the truth of our usernames! Gaara is mine and Sasuke is backoff! XD Well, I guess I'll c ya later! p.s. I've actually fought for Gaara and won him over everyone because I've got something nobody else does...and that's enough info. 4 u guys! XD I'm Gaara's girl and don't forget it! Love-Chitose (the name means a millennium's time XD)
~I'm nobody. Nobody's perfect. That means I'm perfect! XD~
I love that quote! Oh ya...did I mention Gaara's mine? lol :D
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