
I'm a hawt 15 year old guy , i was born and live in St.Louis Missouri,my fave football team is the patriots, my fave baseball team is the Yankees. my hobbies are paintball, BMX,ATV,baseball,track,snowboarding, playing with fire... add me on facebook!/profile.php?id=100000811330000 ;follow me on Roblox my account is jasonvorhees191;
i am icecream man
running over fat kids in my van
if i miss at first
ill be sure to hit them in reverse
when they hear my bell
the kids all scream and run like hell
I am the ice cream man,
Running over kids with my big white van,
They hit and kick my truck,
Throw it in reverse and they all yell FUCK!!
I am Ice Cream Man
Runnin' over fat kidz with my van
If they try to run
I don't really care that makes it fun
If they stop my van
I'll hit them with a frying pan
ILY TAYLOR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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