Black wolf Entertainment

Black wolf Entertainment is the brainchild and dream project of a group of artists with a combined experience of over 2 years,and has been created to launch and promote new & established, dynamic talent in the music world. There's a big swarm of talent that craves for a perfect platform for expression and Black Wolf Entartainment is embracing singers, performers, musicians with open arms. All genres of music and musicians from all backgrounds are being tapped. Talent is encouraged and harnessed to produce high quality Music Videos and features and, give them the commercial breakthrough leading them to the big league. An entire team of professionals with state of the art facilities at their disposal works passionately to release albums, videos and more. Black Wolf Entartainment will soon be heard and seen associated with every genre and form of music be it indi-pop,rock,hip hop and supporting a independent Artist .

phone no:- +91-9821910594