Hikaru Piano
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We don't want to create new life, we want to save the life that is alive now. If everyone becomes vegan, many lives will be saved. Let's support those who protect life. Let's change the status quo where those who protect are exhausted and those who commit violence against people and animals are profiting. Let's change the situation where the state allows people to violate and kill people and animals. We must not allow people or groups to violate or kill people or animals. I don't think there was ever a time when violence was allowed. May all people and animals have a peaceful daily life. Nothing is more important than life.
We don't want to create new life, we want to save the life that is alive now. If everyone becomes vegan, many lives will be saved. Let's support those who protect life. Let's change the status quo where those who protect are exhausted and those who commit violence against people and animals are profiting. Let's change the situation where the state allows people to violate and kill people and animals. We must not allow people or groups to violate or kill people or animals. I don't think there was ever a time when violence was allowed. May all people and animals have a peaceful daily life. Nothing is more important than life.
last year
We Must Not Allow People or Groups to Make Money by Killing Animals.
last year
More than crops, more than pieces of paper, more than the environment, more than paintings, more than numbers, more than anything else, we want to protect human and animal life.
last year
Violence in Meat And Fur Production, Hunting, Extermination, And Experimentation Should Also be Fairly Punished. Violence is Not an Acceptable Act, Even if You Change The Words.
last year
last year
If the state discourages violence, it will end a lot of violence, but if the state condones violence, many people and animals will continue to suffer
last year
Condemns the practice of supporting acts of violence through the purchase of meat and furs.
last year
Piano Piece No.10 by Hikaru
last year
"Wonderful Vegan Life"
last year
Piano Piece No.1 by Hikaru
last year