Peng Lai

Try to understand and write about my country and my people "For a long time I have hoped that one of these few would write us all a book about his own China, a real book, permeated with the essential spirit of the people. Time after time I have opened a book, eagerly and with hope, and time after time I have closed it again in disappointment, because it was too fervent in defense of that which was too great to need defense. It was written to impress the foreigner, and therefore it was unworthy of China."
Nearly 80 years ago, the great American writer Pearl S. Buck encouraged Lin Yutang to write a book explaining China to the West. When Lin finished his masterpiece My Country and My People, Pearl wrote the preface for his book, expressing her appreciation for Lin's work.
Hope this channal casts a light of gate for the world to learn the modern China!
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