Desi Kangaroos TV

Desi Kangaroos TV airs weekly in Australia on Television Sydney !

Desi Kangaroos television or simply “DK TV” is a TV Show brought to you by a new and innovative media company in Australia

If you are looking for a fresh, youthful, fresh, catchy, and innovative entertainment television show on Indian culture, lifestyle, and entertainment in Australia- well look no further! We are the experts in Indian or as we call it “desi” entertainment! We bring to you the best in Bollywood music, celebrity gossip and interviews, news, lifestyle and local concerts and events amongst Indian enthusiasts here in Australia!!

Each and every episode we bring to you is a complete joy ride that you will have with our popular presenters- Ashwin Ravi & Chandni Rav !

To watch more episodes and to get the best of desi entertainment log on to or