
“He who seeks the truth must doubt everything.”

...but there's an INVISIBLE "glass sky of ice".
and they've altered the weather patterns that create devastating storms.
and they've altered the food supply that lacks proper nutrition,
so food can grow with aluminum resistant seeds while the ground is saturated with aluminum+ and diseases, poor health are on the rise
and the government is made up of corporations whose only concern is profit,
and they push harmful vaccines worldwide,
and they allow banks and insurance companies to commit fraud, foreclosures still happening
and fluoride in the water, mass medication,
and start wars with false flags, proxy wars with contracted Blackwater types
and do not secure the borders
and never hold true to their promises
and talk backwards, heavy deception
and all systems dysfunctional - medical, education, legal, political, monetary, research and science, technology and have corrupted school curriculum with common core
and raided organic farms and farmers

.and NONE of this, NONE, ZIP, NADDA NONE of this is for the "protection of the people".

Rather, they are increasingly making themselves into a group that the rest of the people need to protect themselves from.