Crazy Wanders

There is a personality called TRAVELER hidden inside everyone.

We here at Crazy Wanders love to explore new places, finding the hidden treasures of nature, unseen – unheard stories, and incredible local lifestyles globally.

We are committed to letting you experience the best of the world in terms of an adventurer, explorer, and of course a crazy traveler.

The Escape Plans

This place helps you in finding a true escape plan from your daily routine. You will find travel tips, travel guides, inspirational stories, next trip destinations, photos, videos, travel shopping, and much more.

We hope you will find enough to inspire you to pick up a backpack and start exploring new places around you.

Not only this, but we also share some great travel stories and experiences from people who live and dream traveling.

Crazy Wanders is a community of travel enthusiasts who love to explore this beautiful world around them. Come, be a part of this wonderful journey with us.
