
Cost per hire : www.costperhire.biz
Online hiring cost calculation,recruitment metrics,dashboard & Reporting analytics solutions.

* Cost per hire is industry's first online solution exclusively focusing on hiring cost calculation, recruitment metrics, dashboard & reporting analytics solutions.
* Cost per hire is poised to become world number 1 in online hiring cost calculation metrics & Advanced reporting analytics solutions.
* Cost per hire recruitment analytics analyzer engine computes multi dimensional recruitment process/business controls data, recruitment effectiveness data,quality of hire metrics data and provides key result metrics for bench marking and hiring competitiveness.
* The online solution comes with excellent calculation analytics, Numerical functions, multivariate statistical analytics and recruitment reporting dashboard that will help the Hiring professionals to take efficient and effective decisions.
* With robust reporting analytics, hiring executives will get a thorough insight into the entire cost per hire mechanics from micro to macro level components of recruitment with drill down reporting functions.
* Our mission is to provide 100% customer satisfaction and best hiring cost metrics & reporting analytics solution in the most efficient and cost effective manner.
* Our goal is to develop innovative products, value-added solutions, stay competitive and provide updated solutions to our customers keeping in mind the dynamic and rapidly changing business world.
* For more information about our organization, products, services and sign up, please visit us at www.costperhire.biz
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