Drunvalo Melchizedek


Greetings from Drunvalo,

We here at One Lotus, are pleased to announce The School of Remembering® My life’s work will be presented in this school where teachers will be trained with a complete understanding of the human consciousness revolution that is now occurring. The training will go far beyond the Mer-Ka-Ba and is a living-ness process.

The Mer-Ka-Ba, including all possible forms of it in existence, needs to be connected within the body including the heart and brain with external connections that were not presented in earlier teachings. This is in order for human potential to reach the levels that are necessary for ascension to higher levels of consciousness. If you have only taken a Mer-Ka-Ba training, you have much, much more to realize.

By itself, the Mer-Ka-Ba is incomplete. It is the heart that contains the original instructions of Life, and when the heart is again in control of a person’s life, Life responds with joy and power. When the Mer-Ka-Ba is directly connected to the Sacred Space of the Heart, that person’s life becomes interconnected to all life everywhere and moves into higher consciousness naturally.

Approved graduates of this training are called Awakening The Illuminated Heart® Teachers, and in some respects will also be trainers. If you are interested in becoming a teacher of this sacred work then please return the application found on our Upcoming Events page. Not everyone will be chosen to be an Awakening The Illuminated Heart® teacher as it depends upon your character and your ability to serve.

From my heart to yours,
