
Ours is a group from the Hindukush Mountains that is passionate about gardening. We engage in this hobby to seek beauty and colour for peace of mind . We blend it in our poetry and folklore to make it part of our culture and way of life in Chitral.

We do not have large gardens. Here land is scarce with anything at 45 ° angle considered plain ( lasht ) ,all space is utilized. With little resource life is hard , yet the smallest house in Chitral will grow a tree and travel a long distance to raise a bunch of flowers. It gives us great joy to display this colour at the entrance of a house. We care and keep our domestic animals in a separate pen but out of sight. A horse and a dog though will be close by as our best friends… this is the way of life in Chitral that CHS would like to share with the world.

On 27 May 2014 a group of 57 gardeners from different villages of Chitral district gathered at the PTDC Motel Chitral. Various papers were read on gardening as a pastime in the Hindukush. Knowledge on plants and herbs was shared and poetry was recited on the importance of flowers in our culture. It was proposed and voted to share this knowledge from a platform, thus the Chitral Horticultural Society was formed.