Frédérique Bruyas

Frédérique Bruyas, public reader. As a public reader Frederique Bruyas conceives public reading as an inexhaustible field of human experience, whose subject is literature in its infinite variety. Her artistic commitment is perfectly rooted in the oral expression of the written word, in all its singularity reading aloud, book in hand. Trained as an actress and as a musician she has developed an intimate relationship with literature. Contemporary playwright Jacques Rebotier was a seminal influence in her work. She believes that the human voice should be the instrument which gives flesh to an author’s thought. She approaches text as a “score of words” be it of classical or contemporary style. Drawing upon her experience with both authors and musicians she created the concept of: “concert-readings”, whilst developing her artistic research directed towards polyphonic readings (with the group Vox Libris), bilingual readings, and a combination of reading with the digital arts. Frederique Bruyas lives in Paris. She worked with many internationally recognised musicians, sound-designers, composers and video-artists, who have sought her participation in performances combining her reading with their sounds and images.
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