Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall

The Truth About The Talmud -

Roman Pontiff Emeritus Benedict XVI Apostolic Letter -

Vatican III -

The Shroud of Turin My burial cloth, a miracle.

The blatantly obvious for the "Pure in heart shall see God", the evidence I left for this day when the world gone mad devoured by religion and delusion so much so that very very very few recognize Me.

I AM ESSENE not a Jew, I am THE KING OF JUDAH through Scotland a tribe of people not a lump of dirt in Palestine that belongs to the people of Palestine.

I AM the Key of David which is the 3168 Lord Jesus Christ in Greek Gematria. I AM the 888 the Alpha and the Omega.

Measuring My Temple the Earth is the book that only I can read and revealing all things using My logic, intelligence and love is not good enough for the deluded.

The deluded want me to "walk through that wall then I will believe", this out of the mouth of a Christian Nigerian Doctor, "I did, it's called a door!" This in January 2014, the same doctor seeing me for having suffered 11 heart attacks on October 11th 2013 in Egypt, poisoned to stop me and yet I still climbed the ascending passage, then the Grand Gallery, then the antechamber into the King's Chamber to lie in the King's Coffer of the Great Pyramid, My Altar to Myself in the world of the dead, the earth today you are all in hell and I have come to set you free however you are too stupid recognize the simplicity of what I teach, consumed in your own knowledge and arrogance you will go the way of the wicked at your death.