We Speak Retail, by One to One Retail E-commerceMonaco et Bpifrance Le Hub
il y a 4 ans
We Speak Retail, by One to One Retail E-commerceMonaco et Bpifrance Le Hub
il y a 4 ans
Best practices in national Quantum Computing initiatives
il y a 6 ans
Quantum computing software and hardware: the CNRS approach
il y a 6 ans
The second quantum revolution: from concepts to technologies
il y a 6 ans
On the race for Quantum Advantage!
il y a 6 ans
French Q-Startups pitches: LightOn
il y a 6 ans
Update on the French public Quantum initiative
il y a 6 ans
French Q-Startups pitches: Quandela
il y a 6 ans
Closing speech
il y a 6 ans
French Q-Startups pitches: VeriQloud
il y a 6 ans
The Quantum Ecosystem strategy of IBM
il y a 6 ans
French Q-Startups pitches: Pasqal & Muquans collaboration
il y a 6 ans
Quantum Computing in Europe - A call to action
il y a 6 ans
Building the French Quantum Ecosystem: Sirteq
il y a 6 ans
Funding the Next Frontier
il y a 6 ans
Qubits: quantum computing circuits and devices
il y a 6 ans
Atos quantum ecosystem: a global and versatile approach
il y a 6 ans
From R&D to Market: the industrialization challenge
il y a 6 ans
Solutions for achieving NISQ era quantum advantage
il y a 6 ans
French industrial quantum use cases: Airbus
il y a 6 ans
Quantum Computing algorithm and new business applications
il y a 6 ans
Building the French Quantum Ecosystem: Teratec
il y a 6 ans
French industrial quantum use cases: EDF
il y a 6 ans
French industrial quantum use cases: Total
il y a 6 ans
E-learning : cartographie de chaîne de valeur (VSM), outil de Lean Manufacturing
il y a 6 ans
La Plan Deeptech Bpifrance : "Faisons de la France une Deeptech Nation"
il y a 6 ans
Bilan d'activité 2018 Bpifrance - Conférence de presse - 31/01/2019
il y a 6 ans
Diager : percer tous les matériaux
il y a 6 ans
E-learning : le marketing digital
il y a 6 ans