Boston Sports Journal

Boston Sports Journal

Hello there! I’m Greg Bedard, and welcome to our humble corner of the internet over here at

I hope you like what you see as you poke around. Come back tomorrow, and then the next day and see what we have going on. Dive into the comments and ask us questions. Get in the mix in our Daily Q&As. Pick apart my daily training camp breakdowns. Hopefully you sign up for a subscription. If you’re not sold yet, give us until July 31, when the paywall goes up for good. Hopefully by that time you see where we’re going with this and want in. If not, we’ll be trying every day to get you back for good.

Look, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that we’re going to change or even alter the Boston sports journalism landscape in one day, week, year or ever. What I can promise you is that those of at BSJ, who were born, raised and are now proud community members in New England, will be working our butts off every day to provide the type of coverage that you deserve, and we’ll be listening to you every step of the way. One of our mottos for the site is, “By Boston, For Boston.” We’ve been your high school and college classmates. We’ve watched our kids grow up and play sports together. And now we’re trying to bring you the best coverage of your teams that we can, every day.

Other things we can promise you:

Our coverage will be hyperlocal to Boston and New England. If it doesn’t matter to you, it doesn’t matter to us.
No clickbait articles or contrived opinions. While we will be striving to provide exclusive, interesting and unique news and analysis, we’re not going to be outlandish just to gain attention. We will mean what we say, and say what we mean. And if we don’t? Call us out on it. Our focus comes back to one thing: is it the coverage you want and deserve.
There will be no discussion about politics. We want to this to be an oasis from the outside world.
We will be interactive and accessible. Lots of Q&As, mailbags, in-game chats and Tweet-ups. Podcast
4 years ago