A dog is a domesticated mammal and a popular household pet. They are part of the Canidae family and are closely related to wolves, foxes, and coyotes. Dogs come in many different breeds, each with their own unique characteristics such as size, coat type, and temperament. They vary greatly in size, with some breeds being as small as a few pounds while others can weigh over 100 pounds.

Dogs have a keen sense of smell and hearing, which makes them useful for activities such as hunting, search and rescue, and detection work. They are social animals that thrive on companionship and often form strong bonds with their human family. They are also known for their loyalty, obedience, and protective instincts.

Dogs require regular exercise, proper nutrition, and grooming to stay healthy and happy. Training is also important to help them develop good behavior and manners. Overall, dogs are beloved pets that provide companionship, entertainment, and often serve important roles in society.