BioEmarket The Global Organic EMarkeplace B2B plat

BioEmarket is a concept that wants to change the world, make it better and therefore, we, the people behind this idea joined our forces to carry out this dream. Why did we choose the Organic field? Because we want people to live in a unpolluted environment, to consume products without chemical fertilizers, therefore healthy, use clothes and cosmetics which do not cause allergies or in a word to be closer to Nature and thus protect the Planet so that those who come after us will have a life at least as good.
BioEmarket represents an online marketplace for buyers and suppliers of certified organic products. Our Platform facilitates a direct contact between all the actors involved on the Global Organic Market without any intermediaries.The Registration is FREE for all the Organic actors involved on this market and you could add an offer, insert a request, but if you want to benefit more, we have also a Subscription Plan depending by the services provided.

Who can place Offers on BioEmarket?

We accept on our Platform only the Producers, Consortium. Distributors, Cooperatives, Exporters, Import – Exporters, Commercial consulting and Marketing which have to provide us the corresponding Organic Certificate issued by the Certification Body / Authority from the respective countries.

Who can place Requests on BioEmarket?

All the Buyers from all over the World: Importers, Specialized stores, Buyers, Buying centers, Online Supermarkets, Food Chains, Wholesales etc.
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